Greetings, and welcome to the largest web site devoted strictly to early emergency warning devices on the net. We specialize in everything from early hand operated sirens through the motor driven siren and rotating beacon era. We do not deal in light bars, electronic sirens, or stationary sirens. In addition, we are always looking to purchase complete units or the type described above or parts for any of these.
Some of the "new" products we are producing include:
All rebuilt and reconditioned items carry an unconditional 90 day guarantee unless otherwise specified.
If you plan to be in the Tucson area, please fell free to call and stop by to visit. We have on display, the premier restored collection of antique and vintage early
emergency vehicular warning devices in the country.
While many of you know that John Dorgan passed away in May of this year (see below) what many don't know is that Joe; John's son has taken over where John left off continuing on with the established quality of workmanship that the "Sirenman" put into every siren and beacon he's ever restored.
We ask that you relay this information to your fellow hobbyists, along with police & fire departments, ambulance compainies, and anyone else who collects antique or vintage emergency lights and sirens, so they know a reliable and quality service is still available to them to have their antique sirens & beacons restored to like new condition. Thank You! The Dorgan family would like to inform everyone that John Dorgan passed away on May 13, 2012. Services were held on Saturday May 19th at East Lawn Cemetery. You may visit East Lawn's Web Site for a photo history of John's life; "Click Here"
Click Above Media Player Start Button To Hear "Il Silenzio"
"Taps" With A Musical Interlude, Which Previously Started Automatically On This Page In Honer Of John Dorgan. Played By Melissa Venema When She Was 14 Years Old!
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Web Site Content © Joe Dorgan "The Sirenman" 1997 - 2020 Domain Name ( Currently Owned and Maintained by: United Citizens Well Regulated Militia 1997 - 2020 Web Site Layout & Design © United Citizens Well Regulated Militia & Alan Miller 1996 - 2020 Permanent Limited Use License Granted To Sirenman (AKA Joe Dorgan) By United Citizens Well Regulated Militia 1997 Web Site Constructed 7 April 1997. Last Update This Page: 01 June 2020 @ 1315 Hours, Pacific Daylight Savings Time. |